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Beyond the Paper Jam: Uncovering Savings in Your Company's Print Practices

November 7th, 2023 by admin

Men in Paper Jam

As businesses relentlessly pursue profitability, they meticulously examine every operational facet for cost-saving avenues. However, the print environment frequently remains an overlooked area. Gartner's research suggests that companies might allocate as much as 3% of their revenue to printing activities. This percentage is far from negligible, considering its long-term impact on a company's financial well-being. Strategic resource management can significantly curtail these printing expenditures.

Decoding the Overlooked Expenses of Printing

Office printing costs are more complex than the apparent expenses of paper and ink. Hidden costs often go unnoticed, which can accumulate substantially:

  1. Maintenance Demands:

    Printers demand consistent upkeep to maintain peak performance. Neglect can result in expensive repairs or even full-scale replacements.

  2. Energy Consumption:

    Older printer models can be particularly inefficient, leading to inflated energy bills.

  3. Asset Depreciation:

    Over time, the value of printing equipment diminishes, influencing financial statements and potential tax advantages.

  4. Environmental Considerations:

    The environmental toll of paper production, ink disposal, and energy use is considerable, impacting your company's sustainability credentials.

The World Bank highlights the environmental impact with its report of over 400 million tons of paper and cardboard produced yearly. Adopting eco-friendly printing practices not only trims costs but also bolsters a company's commitment to sustainability.

Evaluating Your Print Operations

Conducting a thorough print audit can unveil surprising patterns, such as the EPA's discovery that the average employee's printing habits cost around $725 annually for 10,000 pages. This information empowers businesses to make cost-effective and environmentally conscious decisions.

Strategies for Smarter Resource Use

Consider these approaches to refine your printing costs:

  • Consolidate Printing Stations:

    Centralizing printing equipment can cut down on the number of machines and associated costs.

  • Implement Print Quotas:

    Establishing quotas can decrease printing volume by up to 15%, as industry studies suggest.

  • Transition to Digital Processes:

    Moving towards digital document handling can significantly lessen printing needs, thus saving money and streamlining operations.

Choosing Efficient Printing Solutions

Investing in modern, energy-saving, and multifunctional printers can substantially affect cost savings. Features like duplex printing and Energy Star certification can yield significant reductions in paper and energy expenses.

Fostering a Mindful Printing Culture

Developing a printing policy is a step towards a broader cultural change. It involves:

  • Educational Initiatives:

    Informing staff about the financial and environmental costs of excessive printing.

  • Promoting Responsible Printing:

    Encouraging mindful printing can cut print-related expenses by up to 15%.

  • Digital Adoption:

    Digital transformation is a strategic necessity, not just a passing trend.

The Benefits of Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services (MPS) offer a transformative solution for businesses, potentially reducing print management costs by up to 30% through expert optimization.

Commitment to Ongoing Optimization

Continuous monitoring and improvement are crucial. Utilizing software to track print data can lead to a 10-25% reduction in ongoing print costs, maintaining an efficient print environment.

Efficient print management is an ongoing commitment to operational excellence. By reassessing current practices, embracing the right technology, and nurturing a culture of efficiency and sustainability, businesses can achieve notable cost reductions. With the potential to diminish print costs by up to 30%, it's a strategic imperative that warrants focused attention.

Take Action Against Rising Print Costs

Don't let unchecked print costs erode your bottom line. Seize control of your print environment. Reach out to us for an in-depth consultation or audit and let us steer you toward a more streamlined and cost-effective print management strategy.

Explore further at Lang Company and embark on the path to a more efficient, eco-friendly, and profitable operation.

Posted in: managed print service